Written by 11:04 am Music, Press Releases

Goat Blood Fetish Announces Lineup Changes and New Music Coming in 2024

Goat Blood Fetish, the extreme metal band hailing from Battle Creek, Michigan, has announced lineup changes and new music coming in 2024. Formed in 2017 by members Paulie Eagle and Christopher Baker, Goat Blood Fetish has been pushing the boundaries of Black Metal, Death Metal, and Grindcore with their unique sound. After the release of their five-song demo “Cover the Earth in Blood” in 2021, the band received mixed reviews but gained attention for their track “Annihilation of a Priest,” which shed light on the dark acts of catholic priests.

Since then, Goat Blood Fetish has played numerous shows in Michigan and has welcomed new members into the fold. Branden Colby has joined the band as a guitarist, alongside Christopher Baker on vocals, Paulie Eagle on drums, William Chadwick on bass guitar, and Ben Morris on guitar.

Fans can expect new music from Goat Blood Fetish in late 2024 as the band continues to evolve and push the boundaries of extreme metal genres. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements from Goat Blood Fetish as they continue to make their mark on the metal scene.

For more information and updates, follow Goat Blood Fetish on social media and stay tuned for their upcoming releases.

Alexandria Wire